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Navigating a career in The Movement Arts

Insights from YogaKoh Founder Jolie Manza

Pursuing a career in movement arts marks the beginning of an invaluable, lifelong journey. As human beings, our bodies are our vessels, and during our time on this planet, it's a profound gift to learn how to use them to enhance our relationships with our minds and spirits. Mastering the art of movement demands discipline, dedication, and focus. Those who invest in educating their bodies often develop a unique perspective on people, relationships, and life itself. In our ever-evolving world, it's crucial to keep our bodies attuned to nature and find communities to explore with. The movement community offers this inclusive, enriching space.

Jolie Manza, the visionary behind YogaKoh, always felt destined for the movement arts. With a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance from the University of Colorado Boulder, Jolie dedicated years to teaching yoga, dance, and fitness, where she discovered her true passion for guiding others. Her evolution in the movement field transformed her from a yoga practitioner to an esteemed teacher, culminating in the creation of YogaKoh—a yoga school devoted to empowering educators through knowledge. If you feel inspired to embark on a journey in the movement arts, dive into Jolie's story below!

Can you describe your journey from pursuing a dance major to where you are now as an entrepreneur and founder of YogaKoh?

"When I chose to pursue a degree in dance, many doubted its practicality beyond a career as a professional dancer. But I sensed that this path would be instrumental in my journey, as movement held immense significance for me and I deeply valued what the movement community offered. After completing my studies, I realized something profound had awakened within me—a passion that would fuel my ability to share my love for movement.

I remained steadfast in my goal and embraced new opportunities with an open mind. Looking back, my greatest contribution was saying ‘YES’.  I never dismissed opportunities just because they didn't seem perfect. This mindset opened countless doors: I accepted fitness opportunities that led me to teach for The Tracy Anderson Method for years, resulting in collaborations with high-profile industry figures. I also embraced yoga opportunities, which sparked a profound love for yoga that eventually became my primary focus. I was eager to explore, discover, and share these insights with others.

In a world that has become increasingly digital, I honor the importance of movement and the mind-body-spirit connection. I knew that my diverse experiences would coalesce eventually—and they did with YogaKoh. I was ready to create a school founded on the values I hold dear. My unwavering passion for understanding our bodies and their capabilities, combined with my dedication to the craft, led me to form YogaKoh. It took time, patience, and hard work, but I ultimately built the confidence to step into my own lane and bring YogaKoh to life."

What key moments made you decide to transition from teaching into educating teachers?

My transition into teaching teachers felt like divine intervention. It wasn't planned, but aligning myself with certain paths led me to the right people at the right time. Despite years of teaching various forms of dance, yoga, and fitness, I aspired to make a significant leap into the education-based industry. I didn't expect it to happen as soon as it did, but then, out of the blue, I received a phone call from someone I had met along the way, inviting me to lead a yoga teacher training program.

The timing of the request was not part of the plan for the year I had ahead of me, but it felt like the direction I was meant to take. I embraced the opportunity, thoroughly explored what it entailed, and felt ready to dive in. Once I said yes, I committed wholeheartedly, and that decision became the foundation of YogaKoh, which has thrived for almost 12 years. It's incredible how that one phone call transformed my life. 

Such calls are rare, and waiting for them isn't advisable, but it happened because of a series of opportunities I embraced along the way. It's crucial to pay attention to what crosses your path; sometimes, unexpected opportunities can open new gateways. If you stay open and observant, you might discover a chance that changes everything.

Where do you see YogaKoh’s evolution within the next five years?

YogaKoh's journey is truly unique. Unlike traditional schools, we didn't start with a fixed location. Instead, we embraced the world as our home base, allowing us to host programs globally. This freedom to choose diverse venues has made our journey exciting and ever-changing. Each year, we forge new relationships with different locations, exploring new corners of the world.

Our mission is to create programs that blend movement arts, yoga, and travel, fostering a community of like-minded individuals on the same wavelength. Community is at the heart of YogaKoh, making it much more than just one teacher or program. As we grow, we continually introduce new teachers and layers of learning.

Currently, we focus on teacher trainings and education. However, I dream of hosting smaller retreats centered on travel, connection, and movement—without the pressure of a certification. My ultimate vision is to establish a boutique retreat center that serves as our permanent home base. In five years, I hope to see this dream realized, offering a universal space where people can experience quality programs, retreats, and classes.

"If you build it, they will come." I envision creating a welcoming space where people can enjoy exceptional experiences and feel part of a vibrant community.

How do you stay motivated and creatively inspired in your career?

I stay motivated and creatively inspired in my career through my community. It's where I go to recharge and expand when I feel drained. I make time to become a student again, attending classes taught by others and observing their creative processes. Witnessing someone in their artistic zone is incredibly inspiring. Running a business and managing various aspects can be exhausting, but my community reenergizes my mind.

It's essential to stay humble and know when to ask for help. Being under the influence of someone in their creative zone and witnessing their wave of creativity is rejuvenating. Creativity isn't a constant upward trajectory; it has its ebbs and flows. During lulls, it's important to be kind to yourself, understand why you're feeling depleted, and keep learning.

Maintaining a student relationship with yourself, continually learning and growing, is key to re-energizing your creativity.

What advice would you give to someone considering attending a YogaKoh teacher training?

My advice for anyone considering a YogaKoh teacher training, or any teacher training, is to trust the call you feel. Listen to your gut, that inner voice guiding you, and let it lead you to the right place. With hundreds of teacher trainings available worldwide, it can be overwhelming to choose. 

Take your time. Write down your non-negotiables and find a program that meets those criteria. You don't need to have it all figured out from the start; you'll learn and discover what you're open to along the way. Consider the quality of teachers, the duration of the program, and how it fits into your life. Don't be afraid to reach beyond your comfort zone and see what captures your interest. 

If you do your research, take your time, and investigate, the right programs will stand out and keep calling you. Connecting with someone who can discuss the journey is valuable. At YogaKoh, we offer calls to help prospective students understand what to expect.

Stay curious. Take classes from various teachers and explore different modalities and styles. This will help you find what resonates with you and guide the direction of your teaching. 

We understand the luxury of taking time off to immerse yourself in a teacher training, and we don't take that lightly. We recognize the rarity and specialness of dedicating a month to this experience, and we've carefully considered all aspects to ensure security and comfort in your decision with us.

Ultimately, make the best choice for you, and don't let anyone tell you that you can't build a career in this field. We are a passionate community of people who have done just that, and we believe there's space for everyone who feels this calling. The world deserves to hear what you have to say.

We hope Jolie’s journey into the yoga world has inspired you! As a shining example of success in the movement arts community, she embodies the spirit of YogaKoh, and we are grateful to grow alongside her. If you have any questions or simply want to chat, connect with us on social media. We’re excited to watch your movement career flourish. Keep practicing!

LOVE - YogaKoh

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